Phew...what a morning already!
I survived the tiny little airplane ride and now find myself at YVR. So many interesting people to look at and listen to...
This is the first time in at least a decade that I've actually gone anywhere by myself. Even when I went thru Customs this morning...they'd look at me and seemingly incredulously inquire as to whether or not I was alone?? Hmmmm....maybe not many single women travelers make their way to Vegas!
For now I've done my workout for the day...I walked (what seemed) miles thru the airport...I'm pretty sure that it was up hill all the way; Tugging my overstuffed carry on and lugging the dead weight of my purse. I did several squats as I had to get my passport...then they decide that they want your boarding pass--squat, squat---oops now they want the customs dec--squat squat....Ahhhh....I'm sure the trainers at the Ranch would be proud! lol.
So having reached my gate (#83---and I swear ...well ok not swear--but sure seems like-- the gates begin at minus 100!!) I'm much calmer and I've now ditched the wool scarf and jacket as I sit near the window in the beautiful warmth of the sunshine. I'm a very lucky girl!
I have about three hours before I board my plane and I plan to just read my book and relax.
I forgot my charge cord for my ipod. Sure hope someone has one at the ranch....I'm sure it'll be an item that I can borrow.
This whole thing seems completely unreal. I'm still not sure that it's real.
The Ranch seems so far away right now and though I was nervous yesterday, I'm fine today.
So on we go....Next stop Vegas!
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