Friday morning brought with it a new sense of energy and no upset tummy! Thank God!!
Our van was assigned a hike called "Saddle"...I think thats the whole name.
Anyways, the hike is about 4 miles straight up to a section in the rocks that (from a distance) looks like a horses saddle.
The pix below show the hike...let me tell you, this was a difficult hike. Lots of hands-on climbing.
By the end of 2.5 hours we were winded, sweating and so proud of ourselves for doing this hike! I think this was the most challenging hike that I've done.
It's such a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you're done...and while you're doing it too!

This is Tom. He is a fantastic hiking guide and such a gentleman. This was at the beginning of the hike and it went straight up from there!

This is a pic taken immediately upon reaching the top. It doesn't show in this picutre but we were just drenched in sweat...unbelievable climb.

Me at the top. YaY!!!

The rest of the gang made it up a few minutes later.

Hamming it up for the camera!

Looking back to where we came up....

Me!! After we reached the top, the guides took us about another ten minutes to this beautiful little cut out oasis! You come around the corner and boom --there it is! Mother Nature is just so amazing. And it seems as tho I got in the habit of climbing on top of rocks to have my picture taken. This doesn't look like a very big rock but it took a bit to get up!!

Van 3 hikers in front of the oasis in the rocks.

Just me!!

Sooooo....what goes up must come down!! This was a challenging hike and not one for the faint of heart. Here we are walking on the side of a mountain.

This is nearing the end...
Simply Fantastic.
I was so thankful to have completed this hike after feeling so sick and yucky on Thursday that I was able to join and enjoy this hike. Let this be a lesson in that there is always tomorrow. Just becuz health or circumstance keep you down on one day doesn't mean that it has to keep you down the next.
I'm so proud of me:-)
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