Whatta ride!
I survived and am very proud of myself.
I weighed out this morning and here are my stats:
Weight: 7 pound loss (tho I stepped on the scale an hour later and it was actually 8! hmmm....)
7 inches forever gone!
and my BMI dropped by 2% (this means that 2% of total body fat are also gone forever!)
I didn't really go in with a goal number to reach by the end of two weeks and am not disappointed with the number (would've been nice to have a bigger number but...)...the other two numbers are much more important to health. It is really difficult to not get fixated on the weight number but concentrate on the wellness of all numbers combined.
The reality is that I survived, and I did things that I've never done before and probably never would have attempted on my own. I have made lifelong friends that I never would have met (this was a surprise for me becuz I really didn't go to make "friends"...amazing what happens when you let it!)
I feel that after two weeks I have a very strong foundation to continue on my journey and be sucessful.
Though two weeks was a long time to be away from my family, I'm glad that I stayed two for my first time there.
I feel that one week would not have been enough for me.
At the end of my first week I was so tired and exhausted that though I'd learned a lot I hadn't absorbed the lessons which I needed to get to be sucessful.
Everyone is different and must decide for themselves.
I am planning on returning in May for a one week kick in the butt and another in October (when it will also be a reunion of sorts as many of the guests I met this week have all made reservations for the same week!!)
This was an adventure of a lifetime for me made possible in part by my loving husband Michael and my son Parker. They have been holding down the fort at home and making it all work. With their love and support I was able to leave them knowing that they were ok and all would be taken care of.
That is huge....if you went to Fitness Ridge worried about what was happening at home you'd be in trouble and wouldn't get much out of the visit.
Being there really means concentrating on yourself.
So my Thanks and Hugs to my Husband and Son!! I love you both soooo much and can't wait to see you!
I boarded the 10:30 shuttle from St. George, Utah to Las Vegas, Nevada arriving safe and sound.
Tomorrow morning I return home and begin the Christmas season. Can't wait!!
Here are just some random pix that I took this morning. This first one was taken in the parking lot of Fitness Ridge. It is just a reminder that this is desert country and can (and does) get very hot!
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